Plot Summary
. .........A
coastal town in Norway is on its way to becoming a major health resort
thanks to its new municipal baths. In anticipation of an influx of
tourists in the coming summer season, property values are rising,
business is picking up, and unemployment is decreasing.
the modest home of Thomas Stockmann, an idealistic physician, the spa
and its benefits make for lively conversation between Mayor Peter
Stockmann, the brother of Dr. Stockmann, and Hovstad, editor of the
local newspaper, both of whom arrived for a visit just after the
Stockmanns finished supper. With Hovstad is an assistant named Billing.
Dr. Stockmann is out for a walk with his sons, Ejlif and Morten.
.........“Mark my words, Mr. Hovstad—the
baths will become the focus of our municipal life!” the mayor says.
"Think how extraordinarily the place has developed within the last year
or two! Money has been flowing in, and there is some life and some
business doing in the town. Houses and landed property are rising in
value every day."
.........Hovstad mentions that he plans to run an article about the health resort—written by Dr. Stockmann, the medical director of the baths—in
the spring, the right time to generate interest in the new community
asset. The doctor, who came up with the idea for the baths, has been an
untiring promoter of their potential benefits.
Stockmann reminds Hovstad that he, as mayor, played a “modest” part
(really meaning the most important part) in making the baths a reality.
It was the mayor’s practicality and business sense, he hints, that were
the driving forces behind the project.
Dr. Stockmann returns from his walk with Captain Horster, a seafarer,
he is in a cheerful mood. Everything is going right for him and his
family, he says, and he now has enough money to afford a few little
luxuries, like the roast beef they had for dinner. When the mayor
inquires about the article his brother wrote, Dr. Stockmann says he has
decided to withhold it for the time being, but does not say why.
Suspecting that his brother is keeping something from him—possibly something about the spa—the mayor accuses the doctor of withholding important information, then says:
have an ingrained tendency to take your own way, at all events; and,
that is almost equally inadmissible in a well ordered community, The
individual ought undoubtedly to acquiesce in subordinating himself to
the community—or, to speak more accurately, to the authorities who have the care of the community's welfare.”
Mayor Stockmann leaves, Dr. Stockmann's daughter, Petra, a
schoolteacher, arrives and joins in the conversation. An idealist like
her father, Petra says, "There is so much falsehood both at home and at
school. At home one must not speak, and at school we have to stand and
tell lies to the children." Captain Horster offers to provide a room for
the school in an old house he owns.
Stockmann then opens a letter he received, then waves it before Hovstad
and his wife, announcing a remarkable discovery: The baths are
contaminated. The doctor speaks in a triumphant, jubilant tone, for he
believes he has done a great service for the public welfare. He says
several cases of typhoid fever and gastric fever the previous year
aroused his suspicion about the spa water, so he took samples of it and
sent them to a university for analysis. The letter he holds contains the
results of the analysis: The spa is a cesspool of disease. It seems
that tanneries in the town leached impurities into the water. Hovstad—seemingly idealistic, like Dr. Stockmann—promises
to publish news of the discovery and says his printer, Aslaksen, a
prominent citizen, will back the decision, as will a homeowner’s
the days immediately following the discovery, Mayor Peter Stockmann
discovers it will cost an enormous sum in tax dollars to make
improvements, including laying new pipes to handle the leachate, which
his brother says are necessary to eliminate the pollution. So he decides
to challenge his brother’s findings as faulty and asks him to renounce
them. The doctor—viewing himself as the guardian of the common weal, a savior—refuses.
Hovstad, fearing the wrath of the taxpayers, decides not to publish Dr.
Stockmann’s article. At a town meeting in a large room provided as a
goodwill gesture by Captain Horster, almost everyone lines up against
Dr. Stockmann—Mayor Stockmann, Hovstad, Aslaksen, the homeowners, ordinary citizens—and
shout him down when he attempts to explain the problem and alert the
town to the danger. One citizen wonders whether he has an alcohol
problem. Another suggests insanity runs in his family. Still another
thinks he is getting even for not receiving a salary increase as the
spa’s medical director. All agree that he should be labeled “an enemy of
the people,” one bent on destroying the town. When Stockmann and his
family leave the meeting, the crowd hisses and boos, then begins
chanting “enemy of the people,” “enemy of the people.”
next morning, the Stockmanns discover broken windows and rocks
littering the floor. The doctor piles the rocks on a table, saying he
will save them as heirlooms for his children. A letter arrives in which
the landlord gives Dr. Stockmann notice of eviction. It doesn’t matter,
Stockmann tells his wife, for he and his family will cross the sea and
resettle in the New World. Then Captain Horster arrives and announces
his employer has fired him. The mayor enters and announces that the
citizens are circulating a petition pledging that they will no longer
seek the medical services of Dr. Stockmann. The mayor advises his
brother to leave town for a while, then return and confess his error in
writing. Such a move might earn him reinstatement as medical director of
the spa. Dr. Stockmann says he will never admit that he was wrong—never, never—under any circumstances.
the mayor leaves, another visitor arrives. He is Morton Kiil, the
father of Dr. Stockmann's wife, Katherine. Kiil is the owner of
polluting tanneries. In his will, he had stipulated that a handsome sum
be bequeathed to Katherine and the Stockmanns’ children. However, he
tells the doctor that he invested the bequest in stock in the baths.
Furthermore, he is going around town buying up all the remaining stock
in the baths. Thus, if Dr. Stockmann sticks to his story—that is, if he refuses to recant—the
stock will become worthless and his wife and children will inherit
nothing. Kiil tells the doctor that he has until 2 p.m. to change his
Kiil leaves, Hovstad and Aslaksen arrive. They think Dr. Stockmann is
involved in a scheme to inflate the value of the stocks and want in on
the scheme. But Stockmann dismisses them, raising an umbrella as if to
strike them. They hurry out. Captain Horster invites the Stockmanns to
board at his house during the winter. The doctor expresses his
gratitude, then says he will focus his medical practice on the poor and
educate his children himself. In fact, he says, he will start a school
of his own to teach the town’s guttersnipes. He is feeling upbeat,
cheerful as he looks ahead.
.........“I am the strongest man in this town,” he says.
he announces he has made another important discovery. Gathering
everyone close to him, he says “The strongest man in the world is he who
stands alone.”