اسم مشتق؛ که انواع آن در زیر آمده است:
۱. فاعل و فعل:
A) subject + deverbal noun : sunrise, catcall, daybreak, earthquake, headache, heartbeat.
B) verb + subject : rattlesnake, crybaby, driftwood, flashlight, glowworm, hangman, popcorn, watchdog.
C) verbal noun in -ing + subject : flying machine, investigating committee, washing machine, working party, working man.
۲. فعل و مفعول :
A) object + deverbal noun : bloodtest, birth-control, book review, crime report, haircut, handshake, meat delivery, word formation, self control, tax cut.
B) object + verbal noun in -ing : air-conditioning, book-keeping, book-reviewing, brainwashing, dressmaking, housekeeping, letter-writing, sightseeing, story-telling.
C) object + agential noun in -er: cigar smoker, computer-designer, gamekeeper, hair splitter, language teacher, matchmaker, radio-operator, songwriter, stockholder.
D) verb + object : punchcard, drawbridge, push-button, scarecrow, punchball, treadmill
E) verbal noun in -ing : chewing gum, cooking apple, drinking water, eating apple, reading material, spending money.
۳. فعل و قیدی
A) verbal noun in -ing + adverbial : swimming pool, diving board(dive from a board), baking powder(bake with powder).
B) adverbial + verbal noun in -ing : daydreaming(dreams during the day), horse riding(ride on a horse), handwriting(write by hand).
C) adverbial + agential noun in -er : backswimmer(swim on the back), factory-worker(work in a factory).
D) adverbial + deverbal noun : homework(works at home), table talk(talk at the table), moon walk(walk on the moon), daydream(dream during the day).
E) verb + adverbial : searchlight(searches with a light), dance hall(dance in a hall), workbench(work at a bench), plaything(play with a thing).
مشتقات بدون فعل۴. فاعل و مفعول
الف) اسم اول + اسم دوم(اسم اول باعث انجام اسم دوم میشود). مانند:
Windmill(the wind powers the mill), air-brake, air rifle, cable car, coal fire, motorcycle, steam engine, gas cooker.
ب) اسم اول + اسم دوم (اسم دوم؛ اسم اول را تولید می کند). مانند:
Toy factory(the factory produces toys), honey-bee, oil well, power plant, silkworm, tear gas, textile mill, water pistol, gold mine.
ج) اسم اول + اسم دوم (اسم اول؛ اسم دوم را بوجود میاورد). مانند:
Bloodstain (the blood produces stains), cane sugar, food poisoning, gaslight, hey fever, sawdust, tortoise-shell.
د) اسم اول + اسم دوم (اسم اول شامل اسم دوم است). مانند:
Doorknob(the door has a knob), piano keys, shirt-sleeves, table-leg, television screen, window-pane.
ه) اسم اول + اسم دوم(اسم دوم با اسم اول رابطه دارد و بهم مربوطند). مانند:
Security officer(the officer looks after security), chairperson, deckhand, fireman, gasman, motorman, police-officer, postman.
۵. فاعل و مسند(مکمل)
الف ) اسم اول + اسم دوم (اسم دوم همان اسم اول است). مانند:
Drummer boy(the boy is a drummer) , feeder boss, killer shark, manservant, oak tree, pine tree.
ب) صفت + اسم(اسم برابر صفت است). مانند:
Darkroom(the room is dark), blackboard, blackbird, blueprint, greyhound, highchair, madman.
ج) اسم اول + اسم دوم(اسم دوم شباهت را برای اسم اول می رساند). مانند:
Frogman(the man is like a frog), butter-bean, catfish, dragonfly, goldfish, sandwich man, tissue paper.
د) اسم اول + اسم دوم (اسم دوم ؛ اسم اول را شامل میشود). مانند:
Snowflake(a flake of snow), breadcrumb, chocolate bar, dustheap, raindrop, soap flake.
ه) اسم اول + اسم دوم (اسم دوم برای اسم اول است یعنی نشاندهنده اسم اول است). مانند:
Ashtray(the tray is for ash), breakfast time, cough drops, tearoom,fire engine, flower bed, safety belt.
واژه شناسی انگلیسی نوشته ی دکتر غلامرضا تجویدی