بعد از اینکه نامه درخواست را نوشتید یک رزومه به آن پیوست می کنید تا اطلاعاتی در مورد خودتان بدهید
شماره تلفن:
تاریخ تولد:
محل تولد:
وضعیت تاهل:
تعداد فرزندان:
سپس عنوان شغل درخواستی را ذکر کنید
از نوشتن آخرین مدرک تحصیلی شروع کنید و به اولین مدرک برسید؛ مثال:
2004-2008 Received B.A in liberal arts from stanford university, stanford, california, june, 2008.
1991-2003 Received high school diploma, with honors, in june, 2003.
البته لازم نیست تحصیلات قبل از دیپلم خود را ذکر کنید
از آخرین تجربه کاری که داشتید شروع کنید تا به اولین کارتان برسید
2009_2011 lecturer in english at meshad
university, meshad, iran, during which time i have completed two
textbooks, to be published by the meshad university press.
2005-2009 lecturer in english at razi university, in sanandaj and bakhtaran, iran.
علایق و سرگرمی ها
مهارت های زبانی
حال به نمونه زیر توجه کنید:
Name: jane powers
Address: 333 bridgestone street
Louisville, kentucky
Telephone number: 300-4172
Date of birth: march 12, 1960
Place of birth: louisville, kentucky
Marital status: single
Office manager
1973-1978 received my diploma in secretarial science
from louisville high school. My main outside activity was as a
journalist for our high school newspaper and yearbook, in which i had
to utilize my skills in shorthand, typing and writing short articles.
1980 to date
secretary to the sales manager of omega products company. Here i
revised the filing system completely. I was responsible for all office
details and i handled a group of 27 salesmen on the road. I was
responsible for most of the office correspondence.
1979-1980 typist for B.C. Cortland, an accounting firm. Here i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.
Reading newspapers, writing short essays, knitting, sewing.
Language skills
I speak, read and write french well.
نامه نگاری به زبان انگلیسی برای دانشجویان ایرانی نوشته ی سارا جین راتلج مریدی
8 - مردادماه - 1390 ساعت 10:13 ق.ظ